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ETC Engineering | Innovazione e Risparmio per il trattamento delle Acque

Adjustment to improvement of sludge line of the Borgheria WWTP, Municipality of Pesaro.

Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):

US$ 7.671.092,80

Country: Italy.

Location within country: Borgheria, Province of Pesaro e Urbino, Marche Region.

Name of Client:

Marche Multiservizi S.p.A.

Start date (month/year): September 2017 

Completion date (month/year): February 2018

Name of associated Consultants, if any:

Studio Altieri

Studio Zulberti


Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  • Complete analysis of the functional state of the existing plant;
  • Definition of the plant layout and sizing of the plant using an advanced calculation model;
  • Introduction of technical solutions aimed at minimizing consumption;
  • Preparation of the necessary documentation for EIA / AIA authorization procedures;
  • Customer service.

Description of Project:

The plant initially had a potential of 30,000 PE, however, for the increase in the residential settlements of Punta Penna and the collection of sewage from new areas of the town of Vasto, the necessary potential was 60,000 PE. With this aim, the project has as its main objectives: The expansion of the existing plant to achieve treatment efficiency suitable for guaranteeing a discharge in line with the parameters set by Legislative Decree 152/06; adaptation of the plant in relation to the increased need for treatment, which occurred following the new settlements and the new contributions of urban sewage from the built-up area of the city of Vasto; achievement of the basic elements for the possible future implementation of the Epicresis, i.e. the recovery and reuse of treated wastewater, for industrial and/or agricultural purposes for irrigation.
The interventions were aimed at adapting the Pesaro agglomeration to the provisions of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and Directive 91/271 / EEC. The preliminary project involved the construction of two new biological treatment lines with biomass adhered to mobile supports (MBBR technology) with final clarification by means of dissolved air flotation units. The RTP composed of ETC Engineering, Studio Altieri and geol. Dario Zulberti highlighted the technical and economic feasibility of achieving the objectives of the project with simpler and more consolidated technologies, providing interventions aimed at significantly increasing the management flexibility and energy efficiency of the treatment plant.
Compared to the preliminary design, it was proposed not to use MBBR technology, implementing a scheme based on the intermittent aeration nitrification/denitrification process, automatically managed by the advanced OSCAR® controller.
The main planned interventions include:
  • a new rainwater drainage network, complete with two storage and rolling tanks for rainwater;
  • a new mechanical pre-treatment section, consisting of four screening lines and two sandblasting-de-oiling lines;
  • a storage tank for extra-sewage wastewater, an aerated basin for its pre-treatment and a storage tank for mother water;
  • two new biological treatment lines A and B, configured according to the nitrification / denitrification scheme with intermittent aeration;
  • two circular tanks of secondary sedimentation;
  • adaptation of biological treatment lines C and D, according to the nitrification/denitrification scheme with “hybrid” intermittent aeration;
  • adaptation of the service line of secondary settler C;
  • new fan room and a new electrical panel room;
  • installation of new effluent discharge manifolds clarified by sedimentation systems to tertiary filtration;
  • new tertiary filtration section, structured on six submerged disc filters;
  • two UV disinfection channels;
  • conversion into an aerobic stabilization tank of the former anaerobic digester.

Request informations

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